From the Co-Curators

Global Poemic is no longer accepting submissions

From May 2020 through June 2021, India-based poet/curator VK Sreelesh and US-based poet/curator Betsy Andrews invited poets the world over to contribute to Global Poemic: Kindred Voices on the Era of COVID-19

We have faced an unprecedented era of extremity under Covid-19. We have shared that as humans. Our stories differ across nations and other structures that web the human world. But we have witnessed from where we are and shared what we have witnessed. We have written as one world of poets.

Global Poemic has had readers from more than 60 nations and contributors from upwards of 15 nations, including non-English speaking countries, whose poets we featured bilingually. We have published more than 400 poems, each with unique artwork to accompany it, generously contributed by artist friends.

Global Poemic was never meant to publish forever. It was intended as a chronicle of a most painful and extraordinary time in human history. The pandemic and its variants continue on, but as vaccinations roll out, albeit inequitably and imperfectly across the nations and communities in which we live, we have hope for a Covid-less future.

We thank all the poets and artists who contributed work. Global Poemic will publish accepted poems through mid-August 2021 and will, after that, remain live online as an archive of what we have shared.

Look here for news of a culminating virtual reading, which we will announce on social media as well.

With gratitude,
VK Sreelesh
Betsy Andrews

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